Why we lab test grass hay

Lab testing grass hay is a crucial practice to ensure the nutritional quality and safety of the forage being provided to animals. Through laboratory analysis, hay samples can be assessed for their protein, fiber, moisture, mineral, and vitamin content, providing valuable insights into their suitability for specific animals’ dietary needs. Lab testing helps identify any potential nutrient deficiencies or imbalances that could impact the health and performance of the animals consuming the hay. Moreover, it allows for the detection of harmful substances such as mold, mycotoxins, and other contaminants that might pose health risks to the animals.

By regularly conducting lab tests on grass hay, farmers, pet owners, and livestock managers can make informed decisions about supplementation and ensure the overall well-being and productivity of their animals. most feed strores in the Northern California areas of Redding, Anderson, Cottownwood, and Palo Cedro do not test thier hay

Lab tested hay redding

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Grass Hay Redding

Understanding Grass Hay varieties

There are several main varieties of grass hay, each offering unique nutritional profiles and characteristics for various animal needs. Timothy hay is one of the most popular and widely available